My Website

Easy to setup

1. Drop in the Video Stack.
2. Add your videos and link to it via RapidWeaver Resources or any video file on the Internet, including YouTube.

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A little more detail

1. On a per video level, set whether the track is YouTube, mp4 (.h264 / mv4) or webm. You can play video tracks from your RapidWeaver resources or anywhere on the web and there's also support for YouTube direct embeds.

2. Set whether the track can be easily downloaded or not. If true a link appears besides the track to download.

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More Player options

1. Choose between a light or dark theme.

2. Set autoplay "on" or "off".

3. If "no", the controls such as shuffle and repeat will be hidden.

4. This sets the playlist height. If the playlist height is higher than the value then it autoscrolls to adjust to show all items.

5. Change the language of the text "by" before the artist.

6. Set the default volume.
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