Beautiful Japan
03/03/14 15:55
Cockney lorem ipsum, cor blimey guv, would you Adam and Eve it, get up those apples to bed! Pass the army will you, she has such long bacon, I'm going to have my barnet cut. Hand over the bees, what knobbly biscuits you got. We don't have to have a bull about it, I had a butchers at it through the window and you're talking cobblers! Use your crust, lad, she's a bit daffy and you're getting on my wick! Stick that up your Khyber and think about it; use your loaf. What beautiful minces, could you lend me an Oxford? It pens a bit in here, and I don't know what she's rabbiting about with her cockney rhyming slang. I can smell a raspberry, so scarpa, the trouble's been shopping again and I'm ironing my Uncle, now where's my weasel?